Today, 18-2-16, I am flying to Seattle to learn from Dr Dietrich Klinghardt and his team. Dr Klinghardt has a diagnostic and treatment protocol for CFS/ME and other chronic health conditions that has interested me over a number of years. I heard him speak at a Lyme Disease conference in London in the autumn. If the weekend goes well then there are three others through the year to finish the course. One thing for sure - no falling asleep at the back of the classroom!
May 8th, 2017. Recently returned from Philadelphia, my sixth US trip studying with Dr Klinghardt and his team. Three trips to Seattle and three to Philadelphia. I am now on the Klinghardt Academy website as a practitioner who has passed an exam in ART, Autonomic Response Testing. I am the only practitioner in the UK who has undertaken this training. For more information look at
29th December 2019. This October I travelled to Spokane, Washington State, US to study with Dr Tony Smith who has developed a treatment of infections, called craniobiotic, using manual means. He developed this into a programme for the treatment of Lyme called Lymestop. Check out
November 2021. The Perrin conference this year is by Zoom. Not the same - but I didn't miss the drive to Manchester!
March 2022. My first in person training course with Dr Klinghardt, MFT 1 (Mental Field Therapy). This was my first chance to catch up with everyone since the Summer School in 2019. It was lovely to see the Kiscience and Klinghardt Institute's own premises, on the hill overlooking the sea and in bright sunshine.
November 2024. This year I have been travelling abroad to see patients. I have had seriously ill patients contact me and, as they can't come here, I have visited them at home. Visiting Spain, Dublin and Germany. Not a career change I expected now I am seventy years old!